It’s official! Laura Mitchell Consulting (LMC) has finally joined the West Bend Area Chamber of Commerce and marked the occasion with a grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony complete with appetizers and an LMC cake. The ceremony took place on September 17th at the new LMC Headquarters on 6th Avenue in downtown West Bend.

LMC Cake with Chamber PlaqueLMC invited local ambassadors of the WBA Chamber as well as local business owners and friends from the greater West Bend area to join the celebration.

LMC branded refreshments, such as this branded cake, were enjoyed along with lively conversations and laughs. Watch the live ribbon-cutting footage on Facebook here!



Craig Farrell, Executive Director of the WBA Chamber, interviewed Laura Mitchell to find out more about what LMC has to offer to the local West Bend area business community. She explained the nature of our guerrilla marketing and digital evangelism, as well as our goals to play an integral role in promotion and awareness within the greater West Bend community. Watch the entire LMC and West Bend Area Chamber of Commerce interview here.


Learn more about what LMC does here: West Bend Web Design & Digital MarketingÂ